Saturday, September 19, 2009

Making Compost

You can make inexpensive, easy compost at home from leaves, grass clippings, garden wastes such as stalks and weeds, and vegetable leftovers minus the meat. Pile these together until well rotted. Use a compost tool to aerate the pile. You can enclose the pile with wire or with a ready-made compost bin. Keep adding organics until the size of the pile suits you, and then start another one. Keep the pile moist but not soaking. The pile is usually ready in about 6 months or faster in warm weather. You know it’s ready for the garden when its contents are dark and crumbly and look like the soil in the woods.


  1. Good information. I love making compost for my rose garden. I've noticed over the years that my roses always looked healthier when planted with compost.
    Visit for more information on making compost.
